I don't know if she doesn't want to, or didn't YLE ask. Chisu would be so great for Eurovision! She is the Finnish version of Myléne Farmer (and yes, that is a compliment). Not meaning that she would be a copycat, just that she makes her own kind of music and being rather unique in her own recognizable sound in Finland. She has written songs and produced artists like Jippu, Antti Tuisku, Kristiina Wheeler, Tarja Turunen and Kristiina Brask before finally releasing her debut album Alkovi (#5) last year.She basicly recorded it alone in her bedroom. It delivered a megahit Mun koti ei oo täällä that stayed #1 for 8 weeks, Muut and Tämä rakkaus. The second album Vapaa ja yksin (#10) was released not a long time ago and its first single Baden-Baden is already a #3 hit.