Milana Misic is the daughter of late Laila Kinnunen, the first ever Finnish entrant in Eurovision with Valoa ikkunassa in 1961 and Croatian musician Milan Misic. She tried to break through as a singer in early 2000's without much luck, being compared to her legendary mother and so on. This year she has won over the critic and public - ironically - by recording an album of her mother's hits and even digitally dueting with her in one track. Her previous album Laulumme was well received, including old classics, amongst them Al di lá and Dansevise. Listen to that album here. The idea to record her mother's songs was born and based on feedback she got in her concerts and lead to a musical play of her mother's life and eventually the album. Will she try to follow her mother to the Eurovision stage 49 years later? Meanwhile a compilation of her mother's original is charting in Top-10 in Finland right now. You can read ALL you need to know about that here.