Poland has also chosen its finalists for Piosenka dla Europy 2009 of the songs sent in, and there will be propably wildcards added later. Amogst the finalists we have Italian Marco Bocchino, Norvegian Det Betales and Swedish Man Meadow again after their fan success last year with Viva la musica.
Marco Bocchino & Ola Szwed - All my life
Kasia Skrzynecka - Amazing
Ira - Dobry czas
Dali - Everyday
Lidia Kopania - I don't wanna leave
Renton - I'm not sure
Stachursky - I nie mów nic
Det Betales - Jacqueline
Micromusic - Kardamon i pieprz
Artur Chamski - Kilka slów
Man Meadow - Love is gonna get you
Tigrita Project - Mon chocolat