First thing: the staging in the national final - I don't get it. It distracts completely from the song that when only heard is pretty fantastic. One of my favorites this year in fact. I like the sound, lyrics and her vocals on it. It's catchy and somehow melancholic that fits me perfectly. Great song that doesn't sound like an Eurovision taylor made entry, which is always a positive thing. Montaigne is interesting and a bit nuts in a good way. I have no idea how this would have done in Rotterdam though, especially with a staging like that. Could have been a non qualifier or who knows mid table in the final? Hard to say and we'll never find out. I give anyways 9/10
Cleopatrrrrrrra! Everyone's talking about the staging here. Actually it's the most interesting thing of this; How would have it been? How they were supposed to bring this live? And that's about all there is to this. No proper song to back it up. Do I want to listen to this on repeat without the video? No. Will I listen to this beyond May? No. This is a stage show and concept, not a real song. 5/10
Talking about manufactured Eurovision by numbers.... and the rather embarassing videoclip with its special effects that puts me off the song definately. Stefania fits the song though so that's a plus. The song has its moments but mostly it gives me nothing, maybe I'm not in the target group. Besides, I always wish Greece would bring something you can hear local elements, this one could be from anywhere aka as steril as it gets. 6/10
I must be out of the target with this one, too. I just dislike the breathy talking in the beginning, Britney mastered that already 20 years ago and this reminds me of some Janet Jackson/Paula Abdul choreography stuff from the late 80's/90's and it's already quite lame. The song's melody is annoying and even if the final version is much better than the original, this still propably sits at my last place. But it's not Athena's fault, just not my cup of tea. 4/10