Sanremo's Newcomers has the two way selection. Next month Sarà Sanremo, broadcasted live on Raiuno on December 15 will select six of the Newcomers (Here are the lucky ones), and two additional names will come from AreaSanremo selection. Out of over 800 submission 145 were invited for live auditions last week in Palafiori in Sanremo and a special committee chose the eight for another live audition including Sanremo's host and artistic director this year, Claudio Baglioni. Two of them will join the Sarà Sanremo qualifiers in the festival next February. Several names have already various talent show experience: Leonardo from Amici, Manuel and Giorgia The Voice.
Andrea Maestrelli - Non è vero
Diego Esposito - Voglio stare con te
Daniele Ronda - Un'altra bugia
Leonardo Monteiro - Bianca
Alice Caioli - Specchi rotti
Martina Attili - Un incubo ogni giorno
Manuel Foresta - Vivo davvero
Giorgia Pino - Cose cosi