Today it's been 15 years since the most famous woman on globe died in a tunnel in Paris. You all know of course who I am talking about. Not being exactly a fan but when I heard the news, sitting at work that morning in central Rome it was a weird feeling, an awkward moment. One of those "you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard" moments. I felt like I've lost someone I really knew. And closest I ever had with her was in November 1989 when I was in Hong Kong and so was she, and I saw her - and the man that later married the rottweiler, like she used to call her - walking by just meters away upon their arrival. She was already in an unhappy mood. You could see it even if it wasn't public yet. The funeral followed with Elton John making some publicity for himself before he took as his purpose in life to mock Madonna... Her faith was such a shame. I think she looked prettier and happier than ever in her last summer. The summer of 1997.... One can only hope she died happy....