This year RAI decided to use the Facebook for the newcomers selection. Hundreds of hopefuls sent in their videos and people voted and voted. Yesterday the six lucky ones were revealed, chosen by a jury dispite the "online voting" (actually the same is going on in Finland's UMK. Let's see how that goes...). There was fury and cries for scandal seconds after the announcement and now a famous Italian TV personality Enzo Iacchetti has sent an open letter to Gianni Morandi. It pretty much explains and sums up the whole affair:
Dear Gianni Morandi, you're ignorant to the music of today. You have stayed in the days of Fisarmonica and yet you are the head of the jury that chose the artists for the newcomers in Sanremo. You and RAI have done this crap called SanremoSocial, so that the users of social medias (who are becoming crucial to the future of music) could vote for the songs. Ok, the most voted songs have not been selected. You have fucked us all. Don't you think by doing so you would just give the idea everything was already decided. You are slaves of recording industry. Why don't you just admit it? Why are you playing with the hundreds of young people who have more talent than your throwaway musicians? Thousends have spent money to make the videos and the rest, then you pick up the worst.
Morandi, go fuck yourself. Your ex-friend Enzo Iacchetti.
Harsh words, freely translated but all the four letter words are by Enzo himself. What do you think of those six? Especially as one of them could end up in Baku 2012.