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LIVE BLOGGING: Switzerland decides!

Here we go. Who will Switzerland select? The selection so far has been very varied when different language groups have had their say but here they are united. But wouldn't it be nice if they had a selection like the good old days? Three songs in German, three in French, three in Italian and one in Retoromaniaan? :-)
There a jury in the house but they will only comment. The voting will be 100% televoting tonight.

01 Patric Scott feat. Fabienne Louves ***
We continue where we left with 2011 season: a duet with Oh oh ohs. And we have a windmachine so the 2012 season starts with the ultimate Eurovision clichees. Vocally ok with lot of smiles and posing but the song isn't really going anywhere, is it? Black and red in the dresses and on staging plus four wooden ladies posing in the background as well.
02 Emel *
Did I mention the stage is quite nice and so are the postcards. But Emel is in a funny stress. I was expecting something oriental or a bit Greek perhaps but why the useless dancing boys are doing some simil-flamenco? They are very distracting but they as well may be as the song is just very boring little number. Two backing singers and a banjoboy complete the set. Why are they doing these short versions of the songs?? What's the point?
03 Chiara Dubey *****
Sweet little Chiara next with her chrystal voice. Black and white in green blue and green stage lit with big candles. Audience applauded during the performance and ... I'm in love. I wasn't sure about this entry before but I'm sold now. She was nervous but it's her song and with a little bit more self confidence she can do wonders. Propably. Me likes a lot!
04 Guillermo Sorya ***
Guillermo next, nicely staged and wardrobe to match the song with slight Motown vibe. I like the song but this also could be a bit stronger (production?) as it lacks a bit of something I don't quite know what? He sings well and has a wonderful soft voice though. This was once of my pre-contest favourites but I'm not so sure now...
05 Macy *
First of all very weak vocals. This song gave me nothing beforehand and the live performance even less. They think they are way cooler than they really are and it all comes across fake and dry. This time it was good it was only 2 minutes as even the band seemed bored by then....
06 Sosofluo **
Isn't it nice whn a husjy voiced man dubs a sweet young girl in the postcsrds? Couldn't they find a girl? And how come she looks like she's 40something in a party dress when she's 22? Less is more sometimes. Quite often really. I was curious about this song but no, it's not convincing at all and the shouting in the end didn't help. If Chiara wa the big positive surprise so far, this was the opposite...
07 Atomic-Angels ****
Acid green on stage with the black dresses angels. Shaky vocals didn't do justice to the song that sounds very fine in the recorded version. So, the usual happened, this kind of songs don't just quite work live on stage. Unfortunately... But I like the studio version!

And here in between we visited Baku and Azerbaijan. Nice to see something. Honestly I know nothing about Azerbaijan like I guess most of us.... And the webcast works like a dream btw.

08 IVO ***
The obligatory peace song meets the obligatory sing a long rock anthem. Not bad but haven't we had enough of these already? Better than Denmark last year though....
09 Ze Flying Zezettes Orchestra ****
Another song I wasn't quite sure what to think about pre-contest but I like it. Charming! Beautiful and catchy at the same time with a great arrangement. Maybe a bit nervous this one, too, it all can be worked out. Will it work in Eurovision is another thing but me likes!
10 Raphael Jeger **
Egon Junior and his guitar. And more weak vocals. This is maybe the most Swiss of these songs and if I heard this on radio I would think "this sounds like a Swiss Eurovision entry" and would bother my little head wondering when it was?? BUt is it good? Not really.
11 I Quattro *
Oh dear. The best part was the lady yelling a bit. So predictable, banal and filled with clichèes it's not good even as a joke. Unfortunately. This train passed already years ago and Mother's day is still far away, too...
12 Sinplus *****
Ivan and Gabriele with their thick accent, military jackets, funny haircuts and clearly the catchiest song of the evening could just be it? Apparently they also had a lot of fans in the hall. And oh they are sooo Italian!
13 Lys Assia ***
So she doesn't wear the dress from 1956? Or will she have an Eurovision wardrobe change later in the song? This is a classic Euroviion, like if were taken in a time machine back to 1970's with the backing singers in line and yes, her voice did hold despite her tender age of 87.... It is true the song is perfect for her and I'm afraid she might win. And then I'll be afraid she won't make the two weeks in Baku alive....
14 Katherine St-Laurent *****
Another classic Eurovision performance, a bit more modern than previous one. Playing the Canadian 20-year-old card. But I love the piano intro and in the end this was my number one favourite before tonight. She kinda lost it a bit vocally towards the end but she looked stunning. So... not the perfect performance but if she wins I'll be happy.

So, for me it's between Chiara, Sinplus and Katherine but what do I know?

After a break we are back on air with Anna Rossinelli singing her new single The Joker after a little film about her past 12 months and interview and what's up in the greenroom. And the voting is now closed... Oh, and we are back to Baku. Even Eldar was there....

And now the results.... First in top-3 we have.... Chiara and her Filippo.... then Ivo... Sinplus!!!! So Italian rule :-)

And the winner is SINPLUS!!! :-)


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