Switzerland kicks off the national finals season tomorrow. A total of 12 songs selected by the local radios in various languages and open internet and radio voting. Sadly, Vittoria Hyde with her Play the trumpet was disqualified as relistening the chosen ones it really stood out and would have been my one and only favourite. What is left is very solid pack: I tried to give the usual one to five stars to each song and ended up giving 2-3 to each one. Sarah Burges seems to be a bit of a fan favourite but the little birds tell she's having some vocal problems, let's see (or hear) how it goes in the end. Her song is anyways a bit poor girl's Pink - without balls. Scilla is pretty nice but how convincing she will be live? The Glue also seems to be getting a lot of attention but I have never been a fan of accapella so... Some weird reason I kinda like Duke but is it only because it's maybe a bit better produced and finished than the rest? Most of the songs we have heard are rather rough demos and it will be interesting to heasr how their polished versions will sound. Many of them need a lot of work and maybe, just maybe might turn into something. Summa summarum, my favourite is CH. It's catchy radiopoprock and the dialect sounds fabulous! But I do miss Vittoria... Listen the entries here and the final's tomorrow!