Despite it being only televoters who pick up the songs in the semifinals before the mixed jury-televote kicks in in the final the outcome this year is rather balanced. It only proves that if the western European countries get their act together by sending good songs and stop lamenting and accusing of block voting (and ignoring mentioning the Nordic block votes systematically) they do get to the final. The ex-Yogoslavian countries sent rather mediocre songs in general this year and only Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina made it to the final but then they have good songs. From the ex-USSR countries besides Russia also Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine did it, as well as Lithuania and Estonia. All well deserved, too. Remarkable all Nordic countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland - made it - but then they all sent strong entries this year. From the old western Europe we have France, Portugal, Germany, UK and Spain, from the south Israel, Malta, Turkey, Romania, Albania and Greece.