Sanremo becomes more and more like various national finals all around Europe! The 15 Big (or Artisti) will be invited directly and face elimination from the first night: 3 of them will be out. The same happens the second night so there will be 9 left. But hey, there's second chance! Third night the 6 unlucky will perform again and 2 will go back in game. But fourth night one will be dropped out again. Complicated? No, just Italian! Fifth and final night first the 10 remaining songs will be performed and voted and top-3 will have a superfinal! Isn't this sooo Eurovision?
The juries will be present in Teatro Ariston (300 persons each night) for the 2 first night. Third night's second chance is by televote. Fourth night the orchestra will vote 50% and 50% the jury present in Ariston. The final will be 50-50 televote-jury.