1. ROMANIA: Good start for the show. Vocally good with nice coreography and performance. Avoids being too cheesy and comes across as happy and honest.
2. ARMENIA: She has very dark voice for a girl but the song's like from forgotten Ralph Siegel song book. Not very convincing.
3. BELARUS: Compared to Romania feels artificial and fake. And I'm afraid to what kind of propaganda the lyrics might be, so I won't even read the translation....
4. RUSSIA: Dima Bilan jr. Looks quite forced.
5. GREECE: I kinda like this song but I guess it has no chance in hell to make even top-10.
6. GEORGIA: Absolutely hysterical. Kids seem to like this. Ok on stage but would I listen to this on cd? Never!
7. BELGIUM: Oliver did a good job, maybe a bit nervous but the song is clearly the best one here. But were the 3 Charleston girls necessary? I hope the juries will be on his side as I think the televoters will look somewhere else....
8. BULGARIA: What is this? Outfits from some cheap fetish porno.... shouty vocals that ruined the rest of it. This is why I don't like JESC so much. Children trying to be adults. And adults not stopping them...
9. SERBIA: Nothing special but compared to Bulgaria a great improvement towards JUNIOR Eurovision!
10. MALTA: Well, he's a showman. But who will vote for this?
11. THE NETHERLANDS: Unfortunately for her she looks like a nice aunt of the other kids. The whole thing has a sort of teenage girl pyjama party feeling to it.
12. UKRAINE: Propably this wins as I just hate it. I don't see a girl but a (ex-) Sovjet machine, and isn't the song a bit too familiar, too? Why this makes me think of that Bennett girl?
13. LITHUANIA: She's likable, has strong vocals and deserves to do well!
14. FYR MACEDONIA: He fits with his song, that is insanely catchy. And he's breaking voice is so cute! After Belgium my favourite before Lithuania and Romania.
15. CYPRUS: Ok, with those colors they look like Barbies, or Bratz instead of lolitas which is good. The song's ok, too.
The voting is on now and Evridiki & Korgialas are having some Fun in the sun on stage. A perfect song for those summer nights at disco but.... it's November now, snowing outside! But Evridiki is always fabulous. Period.
Dima Bilan was on stage to end the voting. Errr... what happened to him? Looks like a crazy gipsy. And one question comes to mind: How do those pants stay up? Or will they stay up....?
Well they did. Dima did rather hysterical performance of Believe with a bit of My number one fan in the beginning. And now to the voting.....