I Love You is not just an instantly catchy tune – its goal is to help people better express their emotions and become more open and courageous. Our mission is to bring people together in joy, celebration and love. We want to tell everyone that love does not care what language you speak or how you look. It’s all about the power of non-verbal cues or, as Pandora likes to call it, mental interaction, the Brothers tell.
The idea for I Love You and participating in the UMK have been long in the making. The seeds for the collaboration between the Teflon Brothers and Pandora were planted four years ago, in a chance backstage meeting. Pandora has also developed a soft spot for Finland during her long-lasting international career: her fiancé is Finnish, and she calls Finland home for half of the year. According to Pandora, her participation in the UMK is her way of thanking the Finnish public for their devotion and support while the Teflon Brothers say they represent the people of Finland. And what better way to represent your audience than by being crowned the official representative of Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest?”
Ok, first hearing judgement time. First impression: a-Ha's Take on me. Then comes hints of Little Big. Extremely catchy and silly lyrics both in Finnish and English. Add all feel god 1990's bubble gum pop a la Aqua. What's there not to like? A strong four at the moment! And, I love you, I love you, I, I love you, baby baly love you....