Malene Mortensen was new and fresh in the Danish final 2002 that she won with full points from televoters with Vis mig vem du er. The hopes were high in Denmark and not only, I remember this song was one of my top favourites. But, performed as Tell me who you are in Eurovision she didn't convince at all. Seven points in total; 4 from Israel, and one each from Turkey, Malta and Lithuania. That may have put her career on hold for a moment but not for long, the year after she released her debut album Paradise with famous jazz musicians and four more have followed, the latest being from 2009. She took charge on that one and produced it herself as well as wrote most of the material as well. She goes on performing with a small band, or a bigger one or a full ochestra. Coming last in Eurovision didn't hurt her career, but then - she chose jazz instead of mainstream pop.