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Familiar names in Melodifestivalen

The jury has listened through the 3440 entries and picked up the semifinalists. Wildcards will be added later but we are ready to start the speculation. Alcazar, BWO and Måns Zelmerlöf might be safe bets for artists, and Ace of Base for wildcards. The jury had 17 members including Bruno Berberes, the head of Eurovision delegation of France; Tomas Lundin, the Swedish speaking commentator for the Finnish TV and Barry Viniker, managing director for

The songs and writers are:

I got you (M: Tobias Karlsson L: Rodrigo Pencheff)
Stay the night (M&L Anders Hansson, Mårten Sanden, Andreas Lundsted, Lina Hedlund, Therese Merkel)
Love, love, love (L & M Anders Hansson)
Show me heaven (L: Susie Päivärinta, Calle Kindbom, Thomas G: son)
Med hjärtat fyllt av ljus (L: Pling Forsman M: Henrik Wikström, Bobby Ljungren)
Alla (M&L:Dimitri Stassos , Henrik Wikström , Irini Michas , Nina Karolidou)
What If (M&L: Robin Abrahamsson, Amir Aly, Maciel Numhauser)
Så vill stjärnorna (L: Pling Forsman M: Bobby Ljunggren, Marcos Ubeda)
Männskobarn (L: Pling Forsman M: Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström)
Never been here before (M&L: Jennifer Brown, Peter Kvint)
Tick Tock (M&L: Johan Lyander, Matti Alfonzetti)
Killing me tenderly
(M&L: Amir Alu, Henrik Wikström, Tobbe Pettersen)
It's my life (M&L: Alexander Bard, Bobby Ljungren, Oscar Holter)
Moving on (M&L: Sarah Dawn Finer, Fredrik Kempe)
Hope and glory (M&L: Fredrik Kempe, Måns Zelmerlöv, M: Henrik Wikström)
Higher (M: Johan Fjellström, Joakim Udd, M&L: Johan Becker)
You are not alone (M&L: Fredrik Kempe, Alexander Bard, Anders Hansson)
Snälla, snälla (M&L Caroline af Ugglas, Heinz Liljedahl)
Här för mig själv (M&L: Thomas G:sson, Marcos Ubeda)
Jag ska slåss I dina kvarter (M&L: Lasse Lindh)
Du vinner över mig (M&L : Thomas G:sson)
Jag tror på oss (M: Lars ”Dille” Diedrison, Martin Hedström, L:Ingela ”Pling” Forsman)
Esta noche (M&L: Michael Xavier Barrazza, Jimmy Almgren, Adam Soleiman)
1000 miles (M&L: Jarl Niklas , David Stenmark)
You are my world (M&L: Emilia Rydberg, Fredrik Figge Bodström)
The Queen (M&L Tony Nilsson, Henrik Jansson)
Welcome to my life (M&L: Samuel Waermö, Didrik Thott)
Den första kyssen (M&L: Lina Eriksson, Målgan B-son)

The writers include a lot of familar names. We have the usual group of writers in various combinations involved in 26 songs! Henrik Wikström has 5, Bobby Ljungren and Pling Frosman 4, Fredrik Kempe, Anders Hanson and Thomas G:son 3, Marcos Ubeda and Alexander Bard 2 songs in the running. Also Måns Zelmerlöv and Susie Päivärinta got a song in.


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