Ok, I have an early favourite. It hasn't even won the national final, and might not even be running for all I know, but the usual weird Belarussian selection known for changing songs at the last minute and so on has delivered this year Dmitry Koldun's "Work that magik"(yes, with a "k"). And it's fabulous! I hope it wins and comes to Helsinki! But will it change Belarus' rather rocky path in Eurovision? They débuted in 2004 with Alexandra & Konstantin and "My Galileo". The weirdest English ever heard on stage but I loved it. Europe didn't: only 10 points and 19th or 4th last place in the semifinal. The following year they sent the self proclaimed disco diva Angelica Agurbash and her milionaire husband to drive around Kyiv in limos and so on but Europe didn't love her enough: "Love me tonight" gathered 67 points but only came 13th in the semifinal and was not in the final. I'm not ashamed to admit it's fabulous! Finally, last year I fully agree with Europe. Polina Smolova's "Mum" came 2nd to last in the semifinal with 10 points and that's 10 too much! But now in 2007 things look rather magical for Belarus.... Maybe!