Album of the year, or a decade? No doubt one of the best debut albums ever by anyone if you ask me. If her single releases ( Hei rakas, Tivolit, Frida ) have been just wonderful the album offers still many to come as there are no real fillers. In many ways the whole BEHM affair reminds me of Chisu when she came out: A female artists who writes her songs and produces herself after writing songs to others and never aiming to become a singer herself. And here we are, only BEHM's debut beats Chisus's debut album in every way, Chisu blossomed only with the following alhums that earned her several awards and the historic, first ever Producer of the Year award for a female artist in Emma awards, the Finnish Grammys. I wouldn't be surprised if BEHM picks up the Newcomer, the Female artist, the song, the album awards at least next spring. The album Draaman kaari viehättää (#1) sold platinum before its release, All the songs entered the top-15 in the streaming charts. But back ...