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Messaggio was the first single of her 1982 album Azimut and post-Per Elisa success. Written by Alice herself with Giusto Pio and Albert Kui (who is none other than Franco Battiato) it was another success. Like Per Elisa this was a song she didn't perform live for many many years until it has returned to her repertoire in the 2000's.  Oh quante parole sul tema l'infedeltà. Ho voglia di andare a dormire, da sola sognarmi sdraiata con creme su spiagge infuocate dal sole d'Oriente. Oh how many words on the subject of infidelity. I want to go to sleep, alone dreaming of myself lying with creams on beaches burnt by the Eastern sun.


Dimmi di si is the opening track of her Exit album in 1998, and it's third single. Written by Alice alone it has always been a favorite of mine. It's also included in the 2000 compilation album Personal jukebox. Dimmi di sì Amore abbracciami toglimi dall'oblio. E sei nell'aria che respiro Tell me yes Love hug me take me from oblivion. And you are in the air I breathe


To honor and remember Giuni Russo who passed away 20 years ago today's pick is Alice's cover of a song in Napoletan Giuni Russo and Maria Antonietta Sisini composed to a poem by Totò. The song first appeared recorded on Giuni's album Napoli che canta in 2004, five months before her passing. Alice later took it to her repertoire and it appears first on her 2009 live album Lungo la strada, and then in her 2012 studio album Samsara.  Tu si 'a cchiù bella cosa Ca tene stu paese Tu si comm' a na rosa Rosa rosa maggese You are the most beautiful thing that has this country You are like a rose Rose fallow rose


  Alice - Nata ieri In 2012 Alice released her first studio album with new original songs in 14(fourteen!!!) years, Samsara . Among them a song Franco Battiato had written especially for her (Eri con me), a first since 1982!, a couple from Tiziano Ferro including this Nata ieri. The album included also three covers from Lucio Dalla, Giuni Russo and Califfi. Her fans had been waiting for this album and it entered the Italian charts straight at number 10.  Se la vita è migliorata dopo ogni ferita, è grazie a te. Tra le grigie ceneri dei giorni neri, lì sono nata ieri. If life has improved after every wound, it is thanks to you. Among the gray ashes of the dark days, there I was born yesterday.


Well, Alice may not want to remember this, but anyways it's part of her artistic path and she has come a long long way from this, her first Sanremo participation, still as Carla Bissi. Actually it was her return to Sanremo as already in 1965 she took part there to Festival international dei ragazzi at 11. In between she had won Castrocaro's festival for new voices in 1971 thus earning ticket to Sanremo 1972. Il mio cuore se ne va, written by Remo Memigi and Spiker,  goes nowhere and is eliminated from the final 14. However the same year she has more luck in Venice winning Gondola d'argento with La festa mia. She has admitted the musical style offered for her wan't for her liking (or public's clearly) and luckily she went on to write her own songs in coming years and the rest is history. However there's a curious coincidence with the lyrics, "nata ieri"..... Ma il mio cuore se ne va Come fosse nato ieri  Cerca un posto che non c'è But my heart goes


Alice's second Sanremo. No longer Alice Visconti, nor Carla Bissi but simply Alice. A song written by Alice herself with Franco Battiato and Giusto Pio. An usual song lacking a proper refrain, performed in an aggressive way by fierce looking Alice with wild hair. It was a real breakthrough. If the trio's first offering the year before for Italian hit waves was a hit this became a mega hit and international success that made her known not only in Italy but abroad as well. Such a shame Italy didn't participate in Eurovision that year (but her time would come) but then again, most likely they wouldn't have had sent Sanremo winner anyways. Number one hit in Italy, Top-5 in Austria and Switzerland, Top-20 in Germany.  The song featured in her 4th album simply titled Alice, that was published abroad as Per Elisa with different styling. A new version of the song is included in Personal Jukebox album. Per Elisa Vuoi vedere che perderai anche me Per Elisa Non sai più distinguere


In 2000 Alice returns to Sanremo . Apparently she didn't quite want to but that way as compromise she managed to release her God is my DJ album in 1999. Juri Camisasca wrote Il giorno dell'indipendenza for her and it became the lead single for her new compilation album My personal jukebox that included also two new songs besides this track and her biggest hits, some of them in new versions. She placed 9th in the competition but the song didn't set the charts on fire, nor the album but she reminded the wide audience she's still around even if she hadn't done any television and promotion for more than a decade already. forse un po' ingenuamente sognavo in un mondo felice senza rendermi conto che troppo amore ferisce Tornerai da me Tornerai da me maybe a little naively I dreamed in a happy world without realizing that too much love hurts You'll come back to me You'll come back to me


In 2014 Alice was ready to make an unexpected return to Sanremo with a song written once again by Franco Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro titled Veleni. But artistic director Fabio Fazio didn't accept it so it ended up highlighting her 2014 album Weekend instead. This would have been her fourth Sanremo participation.... L'avidità, l'odio, la rabbia, l'ignoranza La confusione, l'attaccamento, la gelosia Il possesso, la follia, il rancore Sono veleni, veleni Greed, hatred, anger, ignorance Confusion, attachment, jealousy Possession, madness, resentment They are poisons, poisons


Anin a gris is an award winning song with lyrics written by Maria Di Gleria in Friulian language, and music composed by Marco Liverani. The song is taken from her 1989 Il sole nella pioggia album.  For me this has always been a personla favorite and Friulian sounds very intriguing and beautiful. It's a language spoken by about 600.000 people in northeastern Friulu region in Italy. A nice mixture of Italian, German, Slovenian and Venetian. Anìn a grîs usgnot jenfri erbe e cjere. Anìn a grîs usgnot dongje il Tiliment. Let's go crickets tonight between grass and earth. Let's go crickets tonight near the Tagliamento.


  Un'isola is a single released in 1977 and written by Carla Vistarini and Luigi Lopez  and later included on her second album Cosa resta.... un fiore. It's a typical sing-a-long song of those years and quite catchy and one of my favorites from that album. It was a minor hit back in the day but her greater success was yet to come. Profumano l'aria tiepida I fiori di mandarino Il vento è una strana musica Che mi fa sognare di averti vicino The warm air smells of mandarin flowers The wind is a strange music That makes me dream of having you near


 Come un sigillo was originally a Franco Battiato song featuring Alice with lyrics like "And you just ran your thin fingers over the foreskin, Then you touched the glans and the senses celebrated their splendor" in his 2002 album Fleurs 3 written by Battiato with philosopher Manilo Sgalambro. Alice changed that line of lyrics about hair and touche and and re-recorded for her Viaggio in Italia album in 2003, and it also served as a single that also includes rare non-album tracks Rose e limoni and Col tempo sai.  Ponimi come un sigillo sul tuo cuore Come un sigillo sulle tue braccia E ponimi come un sigillo sul tuo cuore Pronuncio il tuo nome contro ogni sventura Place me as a seal upon your heart Like a seal upon your arms And place me as a seal upon your heart I pronounce your name against all misfortune


In 1998 Alice asked Skye from Morcheeba to join her in Open your eyes, a song written by herself with Francesco Messina, Juri Camisasca and Peter Hammill. I have heard rumors her original wish was none other than Kate Bush but then again it's just a rumour I heard back in the day. The song is taken from her Exit album as its first single, and would reapper in Personal Jukebox. The video was shot in London. Sono come rondini i pensieri ed a volte danno dispiaceri Se li guardi sono immagini All of life is self-discovery Thoughts are like swallows and sometimes they cause displeasure If you look at them they are images All of life is self-discovery


Lungo ritorno a casa is taken from Alice's 1992 album Mezzogiorno sulle Alpi, and it also appears on her official greatest hits Viaggiatrice solitaria that was her last album with EMI in 1995. This came after EMI has previously released a compilation Il vento caldo dell'estate that Alice didn't approve, especially as it included a disco remix of the title song she had nothing to do with.  Lungo ritorno a casa, witten by Alice, France Battiato and Rosario Cosentino is another album track that I have always loved for it's original arrangement, beautiful melody and lyrics. All of it in fact! But as far as I know she's never performed it live in her tours.  Così rinasce in te la nostalgia: scoprire il tuo passato.  Ritrovi ancora nel silenzio gli anni della primavera. Thus nostalgia is reborn in you: discovering your past. You still find in the silence the years of spring.


  A song Alice has recorded twice, with different title is Rumba rock from her 1980 Capo nord album that reappeared in 1987 in her Elisir album as Hispavox. It's another song penned by the trio Franco Battiato, Giusto Pio and Alice and it has always been a favorite of mine, but never a sngle or promotional song as far as I know. Really makes me think of hot summer heat, dusty road and lazy hot summer afternoons.... E dimmi, amore mio, che amore sei  Ti amo solo per quello che non mi dai And tell me, my love, what love you are I love you only for what you don't give me


Io voglio vivere, written by Stefano D'Orazio, Reanto Brioschi and Chrisitano Minellono, was originally released in 1975 in Alice's first album. And then again in her second album in 1978. In between it was released as a single and became a minor hit and maybe remains the best known Alice song of that first phase of her recording career pre-Battiato.  Alice recorded the song also in Spanish as Dices que he sido infiel, that remain the only Alice recording in Spanish,  and it became a hit in France as L'enfant des cathédrales by Eurovision veteran Gerard Lenorman in 1977.  Io voglio vincere quando ti arrenderai  per te combattere se tu ti fermerai. Io voglio vivere della mia libertà... I want to win when you give up for you to fight if you stop. I want to live my freedom...


Another gem Alice borrowed from Franco Battiato and made her own the way it is probably better known by her than the master himself. A kind of sequel to Il vento caldo dell'estate Summer on a solitary beach once again has unorthodox structure for a pop song, happens on the beach. Tkane off her award winning Gioielli rubati (1985) album. Alice and Battiato also performed the song as a duet in their 2016 tour and live album with Battiato's original arrangement..  As usual with Alice's releases the single was released in various markets with different styling and cover art and with official singles in different markets and promotional singles as well and no database to find them (or I haven't found) I only hope her soon to be published biography would also include a detailed discography! I'm going here with what images I find.  Mare mare mare voglio annegare portami lontano a naufragare Via via via da queste sponde portami lontano sulle onde A wonderful summer on a sol


One of my all time Alice songs that has a special place in my heart as after all I consider Rome my second hometown. Taken off her 1983 Falsi allarmi album and written by herself both music and lyrics. It was one of album's four promotional singles. She reworked Notte a roma for the 1987 Elisir album. La notte è magica a Roma unica Le tue mani, stanche di aspettare, mi accarezzano Mi stringo forte a te perché, forse, ti amo Nel vento, ti amo The night is magical in unique Rome Your hands, tired of waiting, caress me I hold you tight because, perhaps, I love you In the wind, I love you


 It's September 2, 2024 and we have the first artist for Eurovision song contest 2025 in Basel, Switzerland. Cyprus announced that Theo Evan will be their entrant with a song that will be released in due time. I suspect it is based on choreography rather than vocals. Theo Evan, yet another Berklee alum (Could someone do a list of all Berklee's Eurovision stars?). He has released songs on Spotify where he has 372 monthly listeners when writing this. The most listened song The Wall has just under 29.000 streams.  Born in Nicosia, Cyprus to a wealthy Greek-Cypriot family as Evangelos Theodorou (Ευάγγελος Θεοδώρου) he started dancing and singing at 7. After studies in Nicosia's English school he moved to the US to study in Boston's Berklee Collage of Music. His first single release The Wall was released in 2021. he has also starred as an extra in popular tv-series Euphoria.  In 202 he released So cold and Burn us down singles, in 2023 Save me from myself and Dark side and t


Il vento caldo dell'estate, Alice's first real hit and the first offering of Alice and Franco Battiato collaboration (with Giusto Pio and Francesco Messina) and with a rather revolutionary sound for the time of release in 1980. A real summer hit of 1980 Il vento caldo dell'estate, despite its rather dark lyrics,  has become an evergreen and Alice has re-recorded it twice: For Elisir album in 1987 and for Personal Jukebox in 2000. It's also included in the 2016 Live a Roma album.  The song is the main single off Caponord album, the first of Alice's new era.  Ho chiuso le finestre per non lasciare neanche l'aria entrare qui Nel buio della stanza si ferma la mia vita per te Le mie reazioni non le controllo più quanto mi manchi Il vento caldo dell'estate mi sta portando via La fine la fine la fine I closed the windows so as not to let even the air in here In the darkness of the room my life stops for you I can't control my reactions anymore how much I mis


  A cosa pensano is another hit from Alice's freshly found success also aboard after Sanremo 1981. Taken off her 1982 album Azimut it was one of album's three big hits along with Messaggio and Chanson egocentrique. The song is written by Alice and Francesco Messina and would reappear in a new version in 2000 in Personal Jukebox album. The lyrics of the song are among the funniest ever recorded by Alice and the song in all is quite jolly and light pop tune. What do they think indeed, writers when they write, shop keepers when they sell, the teachers when they teach.... Something in the air! La vita interiore, i romanzi d´amore è meglio andare tardi a lavorare.  Anche le mamme fanno spesso l´amore ma in silenzio per non farsi sentire The inner life, romance novels it is better to go late to work.  Even mothers often make love but in silence so as not to be heard


  This week all the songs are a bit older but still #Finpop2024. All four artists are releasing new songs in steady flow and gain popularity, even if still missing The Hit. This season I have enjoyed these ones a bit more than their other efforts. Yet. Enjoy these efforts, there's more to come! ANI - Jos puhutaan totta Etta - Piilota sun sydän Rosi - Joutomaa Ollie - Jumalat


The wait is over and Swiss city of Basel will host the 69th Eurovision song contest in St.Jakobshalle on May 13th and 15th the semi-finals, and May 17th the grand final.  Basel is a border town just like Malmö last year, and sixth year in a row that Eurovision isn't hosted by a capital city, and Eurovision fans may find themselves staying in either Switzerland, France or Germany during their Eurovision adventure.  St.jakobshalle was opened in September 1976 and renovated in 2015-2018 and has now 12.400 capacity in the main arena. Besides the main hall there are five other halls of different space so probably they will manage to house everything in the same building from dressing rooms to press center.   During the renovation it was suggested the arena to be named Roger Federer Arena, Basel's own tennis hero but that was blocked in the local council vote and St.Jakobshalle name remained. The day of announcement of the venue and dates (August 30, 2024) 24 countries have already c


Alice had success also abroad, especially in Germany after winning Sanremo 1981 with Per Elisa. The follow up single Una notte speciale continued and cemented her success and apparently at the time she was selling more abroad than in Italy. In summer 1981 she had two singles in German charts and especially Una notte speciale had a long lasting chart success as it stayed there for months.  Una notte speciale, off her 1981 album Alice (published abroad as Per Elisa) was written by the trio Alice, Franco Battiato and Giusto Pio. The song would reappear in the soundtrack of The House of Gucci film by Ridley Scott  starring Lady Gaga in 2021.  The song was re-recorded for 1987 album Elisir . Noi senza dignità oltre la montagna scopriamo l'amore Qui, qui senza falsità noi ci amiamo come la mente non sa We without dignity beyond the mountain discover love Here, here without falsehood we love each other the way mind does not know


In 1985, the year after Alice went to Eurovision song contest with Franco Battiato she recorded the first full album of Battiato's songs, Gioielli rubati or Stolen jewels. All songs were covers of his songs and it went on to win awards and became a commercial success providing some of her most loved songs. Luna indiana certainly isn't a pop hit but an elegant sophisticated song originally released by Battiato in his 1979 album L'Era del cinghiale bianco, his first "pop" album.  Luna indiana, loosely based on Beethoven's Moonlight sonata got new lyrics written by Francesco Messina for Alice and orchestration by Milan's La Scala Opera house. Interestingly Battiato himself apparently has had nothing to do with the album produced by Angelo Carrara with art direction by Messina. Luna indiana was released as a single, as well as Prospettiva Nevski's B-side in various 7" printings in different countries. Lunghe sere per scoprire luce della luna Che il t