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Mr Lordi: Eurovision ended with burn out

Mr Lordi recently listed his career top moments in Ilta-Sanomat so far and confessed the Eurovision circus caused him a severe burn out. "The first thing that comes to mind about the life after the win is being busy. I didn't have a whole day off for two years. By the end of 2007 I had burn out. First I lost the hearing from the left ear, then the sense of smell and then almost the ability to talk. At that point my wife took my cellphone away and didn't let me work at all and kept me in the summer cottage until I was ok." One should remember Lordi already went through hell before Athens when the whole of Finland was divided. People were quoted of saying they would emigrate if they are sent to Athens and put the country in shame and others promised they would eat a hat full of shit if they don't come last. And after the victory they all loved them of course. In 2012 Lordi celebrates in many ways: it's 20 years since Tomi Putaansuu created Mr Lordi and ten years since their debut album Get heavy. They will release their album Bend over and pray the Lord in spring that was left unreleased back in 1997, with original artwork.

And here are Mr Lordi's career highlights:

1998 The first Lordi photoshoot. They got the record deal thanks to the photos

2003 After the released of their debut album they rocked Finland in Emma Gala in early 2003. Extra attention was given to them as there was a fire on stage during the live TV-show! They surely made the headlines and the name was on everyone's lips the day after. They also won Emma for the best hard rock album. (And five more in 2007)

2006 Eurovision in Athens

2006 The welcoming party in Helsinki's Market square with over 90.000 people

2006 The Lordi's Rocktaurant restaurant that was in Rovaniemi until spring 2011. "We closed the restaurant in Rovaniemi as it's problematic. During the high season in summer and Christmas time it did well with tourists but the rest of the year ate the profit. We will soon reopen elsewhere but where, that's still a secret."

2007 Cannes film festival and our movie Dark Floors. "People talk bad about the movie, especially those who haven't even seen it, but I'm proud of it!"

2011 Mr Lordi's second art exhibition in Helsinki. "I had my first one in 2009. The most flattering comments are those who don't believe I did these. The paintings have sold well but it's funny that those I think won't sell go first while the ones I most like are left unsold."

2011 The war of the choirs TV-shows with the choir from Rovaniemi. "That was great fun! I'm still in contact with the choir and we are planning something togerher sooner or later. It was great to be able to help the elderly with charity. It feels good."


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