The Emma awards were give out last Friday again and I wrote about them here . But let's now take a look at the category of The Song of the Year. I was surprised Chisu wasn't even nominated in this one, but then she has won it already twice. The award went to Jukka Poika's Silkkii, and I totally agree.
In this category the awards have been given out since 1996 under this name, before it there was The Schlager of the year or The composition of the year. And in 1988-1990 there was nothing for some weird reason! It is good to see now that the awards usually have gone to the right address as the songs are still here and alive. And when the songs turn into English they are usually worldhits. Here are the winners in all three differently named categories:
1983 Avaa hakas - Kake Randelin, 1984 Levoton Tuhkimo - Dingo, 1985 Autiotalo - Dingo, 1986 Kaksoielämää - Juice Leskinen, 1987 Marraskuu - Miljoonasade, 1991 Taivas varjele - Mikko Kuustonen, 1992 Mies, jolle ei koskaan tapahdu mitään - J.Karjalainen, 1993 Kuka keksi rakkauden? - Kaija Koo, 1994 Ihana ilta - Samuli Edelmann (here is a cover), 1995 Tuhat yötä - Samuli Edelmann & Sani, 1996 Missä se Väinö on? - J.Karjalainen, 1997 Riidankylväjä - Don Huonot, 1998 Suljettu sydän - Jonna Tervomaa, 1999 Freestyler - Bomfunk MC's, 2000 Sandstorm - Darude, 2001 F-f-f-falling - The Rasmus, 2002 Surupuku - Timo Rautiainen & Niskalaukaus, 2003 One DJ, one delay - Don Johnson Big Band, 2004 Matkustaja - Egotrippi, 2005 Wings of a butterfly - HIM, 2006 Hard rock hallelujah - Lordi, 2007 Ihmisten edessä - Jenni Vartiainen, 2008 Mun koti ei oo täällä - Chisu, 2009 Baden-Baden - Chisu, 2010 Mä en haluu kuolla tänä yönä - Jenni Vartiainen, 2011 Silkkii - Jukka Poika