Tomorrow, January 17, 2013 at 14.00 CET the draw will take place for the semifinalists to determinate their semifinals and will they be performing in the first or the second half of it. Not the actual starting number as usual as this will be decided by the producers of the show. Previously Denmark and Norway have been already sorted out (Denmark in the first semifinal, Norway in the second) to help those neighbours who will be flooding into Malmö to het tickets. Israel is once again put already to the second semifinal for some religious date set on May 14 if my memory serves right. Here are the pots:
POT 1:
Albania, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland
POT 2:
Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania
POT 3:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine
POT 4:
Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands
POT 5:
Austria, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia
Tomorrow also the key change insignia will happen for the sixth time, a tradition that started from Helsinki 2007 when we passed the key over to Belgrade 2008.