The rumours in Greece turned false (quel surprise!) and none of the most rumoured names made the list. Instead ERT has called in various Idol and X Factor participants and Cypriots. We have from Idols Antigoni Psichrami, Valanto Trifonos, Nikki Ponte, from X Factor Kokkina Halia, Loukas Yorkas and Trimitonio. And Yorkas, Kokkina Halia, Trimitonia and Trifonos are from Cyprus! That's a bit weird me thinks....Now let's see what they will offer us. It might be refreshing to have some newbies battling it out.
Watch and some of their previous videos or performances here: Valanto Tryfonos, Kokkina Halia, Nikki Ponte, Antigoni Psichrami, Loukas Yorkas and Trimitonio