Well, that ended as planned and right. Imagine the riot if the jury would have overruled the televotes were The Roop scored 86,5% of the televotes?! They thus become the 24th act of 2020 artists who get to do it again in 2021. And rightly so. Interesting fact is that the song is co-written by Finns Kalle Lindroth and Ilkka Wirtanen. Kalle Lindroth is also behind Aksel's Hurt in UMK2021 while Wirtanen is nominated for the Finnish Grammy or Emma for the Best producer. Let's see how this Finnish-Lithuanian combination will work in Finland - both countries are not really known for Eurovision successes, are they?
What else is there worth a mention? Martyna's dancers got rid of those horrible dresses, Gebrasy broke into tears during the post-performance interview by Vaidas Baumila and he and the presenters had a invisible wall between them as a reminder of the times we live in. And in the end the results table is pretty much perfect, my top-3 is the top-3 and in the right order.
1. The Roop - Discotheque (jury 84 - televotes 74.512) 12 + 12 = 24
2. Gebrasy - Where'd you wanna go (70 + 6.413) 10 + 10 = 20
3. Voldemars Petersons - Never fall for you again (51 + 1.224) 8 + 7 = 15
4. Martyna Jezepčikaitė - Thank you very much (40 + 2.453) 5 + 8 = 13
5. Evita Cololo - Be paslapčių (47 + 427) 7 + 5 = 12
6. Titas & Benas - No (44 + 1.094) 6 + 6 = 12