The primetime show on Raiuno on December 12, 2016 to select the six Newcomers for the festival - and announce the two that made it through from the AreaSanremo selection - got just a tiny bit more interesting! Carlo Conti will in the same show reveal the 20 Big. A smart move from the Sunday afternoon shows or some random last bit of the tv-news to let the world know. This will also attract surely more viewers for the newcomers and hype up Sanremo in general. Apparently we will also know his co-host(s) who could and should be Laura Pausini.
Meanwhile the guessing and wishing for the Big artists has also started. Chiara, Nina Zilli, Francesco Sarcina, Michele Zarrillo and Giusy Ferri are given as sure thing. Marco Carta (well, he has treid to get back to Sanremo many years by now), Clementino, Fausto Leali, Syria, Nesli and Elodie are also highly tipped, as is last year's newcomers winner Francesco Gabbani. One to propose themselves - once again - is Jalisse.
Meanwhile the usual Italian superstar guests are being also guessed. Tiziano Ferro, Il Volo and Zucchero are hot tips, and Giorgia. Well, Giorgia is also tipped to be among the Big! Who knows if she'd take up the challenge. On the other hand she already has all three different colored Sanremo palmtree with the lion trophies...
But as usual, some names are right, some ar not and some are real surprises, only Carlo Conti knows who's in who's out until the last minute. Even the singers will know for sure they are in only after their name has been announced by Conti himself on television.....