The slogan #cometogether became reality when over 204 million people came together during the three Eurovision song contest shows. It is not known how many towels were needed as suggested by hostess Petra Mede but porn site giant Pornhub did suffer big time during the show (read more here)
In the host country and Melodifestivalen/Eurovision crazy Sweden 3,6 million turned in to see how the show was, or 84,7% of the viewers. That's the biggest crowd since... well, when Eurovision was in Globen the first time in 2000. But Icelandic beat them with 95,3% share. One question pops up spontaneusly: How many tv-channels do they have in Iceland? Also Ukrainians felt the need to #ccometogether with over 1,5 million watching their own Jamala beat Russia (and Australia).
Germany also got their highest viewing figures since 2010, when they won, with 9,3 million (36,8%).
The average score in the 40 markets the shows were broadcasted was 36,3%, more than double the normal share. The share was even four times the normal in the younger viewers group (15-24) with an average of 42,4%!
Not only television. On internet via and Youtube the shows were watched by 2,6 million people in 193 territories across the globe. Being one of them - I watched semifinal two via Youtube on my phone, thanks to Sonera's non functionability - I must say the Youtube broadcast was an awesome addition to the possibilities to follow the contest.