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Things get serious in Sanremo tongight. First of all we have the Newcomers final. After last night's voting chaos apparently Miele's staff and manager are not satisfied with the possibility to sing her song again but are asking to be in the competition. How would a final with five work out with the duels... I don't know. We will see tonight how this all works out....

In the Big category we have all the 20 on stage again. The votes from the previous nights (by 50-50 televote-Press) will be counted along with tonight's votes (televote 40%-expert jury 30%-demoscopic jury 30%) and the top-15 is safe for tomorrow. The last five will enter in another rond of televoting and one will enter tomorrow's final as 16th entry. But we will know who that is only tomorrow.

Tonight's guest stars are Elisa, J.Balvin, Lost Frequencies and Enrico Brignano

Also Miele will be back on stage performing her Newcomers entry, but not in the competition but as a guest. Fair enough. 

I will be live blogging as usual so do join me tonight 20.30 CET
20.46 And here we go again.... benvenuti! Right away with the newcomers as Carlo Conti enters the stage hand in hand with them. No duels tonight but straighforward televoting + juries.

Mahmood - Dimentica
New less original outfit for him but still far from casual. I like this. Clearly my favorite but I guess he has no chance to win. Better performed than the fist time I think.
Francesco Gabbani - Amen
He's here after last night's drama. Let's see if it has some effect on tonight's result. He has also changed his outfit. I think this is better performance than last night. He was pre-contest favorite and indeed this is good. 
Chiara Dello Iacovo - Introverso
I have a feeling she might win tonight. The song is funny and catchy and perfect for radios, a bit like Arisa back in the day. She performs it with gusto with some effective movements. And she comes across a bit goofy but nicely so, very likable. Also she had a new outfit.
Ermal Meta - Odio le nuvole
Well, no one can miss his #SanremoArcobaleno colors! Also Mahmood was sporting the ribbons tonight but this goes a bit further. Good song, well performed. He has pre-festival fame and could also win this. 
I repeat once again: the Newcomers beat the Big easily in every way. 
Even in being Eurovision worthy and friendly.

21.11 Carlo Conti enter con Miele, who opens the night officially with her entry. Nice consolation prize. 
And she's better than most of the Big as well. At least in what comes to memorability.

21.20 Annalisa - Il diluvio universale
Long black dress for her tonight. Vocally good but thinking of Eurovision I suppose this wouldn't just work at all. Dramatic. A lot of words and nothing to remember after. 
21.25 Enter Belen Rodriguez.... or Virginia. 
21.29 Zero Assoluto - Di me e di te
They are in danger zone but I like this one. It's not great but it's cool. This could also work in Eurovision better than most of the songs this year. Maybe.
Enter Garko but where is the staircase? Isn't the stage pretty? 
21.36 Rocco Hunt - Wake up
Rocco gets better and better and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in top-3. He's got personality and the rapper next door image works. Important text, catchy song that he performed less chaotic tonight = much better. he has said he'd love to do Eurovision and bring some Italian funk rap there. We'll see. Surely it would continue Italian trend of sending different musical genres...
21.30 Irene Fornaciari - Blu
One of the better songs this year. Unfortunately she hasn't got teenagers televoting for her in masses and will propably be eliminated before final. She'd deserve better. This would also fit Eurovision as Italian melody at its best.
21.46 Giovanni Caccamo & Deborah Iurato - Via da qui
Execellent vocals, beautiful melody, duo that has it. Hints of Battiato in Caccamo. Deborah looking her age and herself after the first night's debutant disaster. Very good. back in game. Maybe the safest choice for Eurovision. 
21.57 Enrico Ruggeri - Il primo amore non si scorda mai
He seems to be really enjoying his performance with smile on his lips. maybe he knows he might be heading for one of his best placing in the festival? A song that works and is catchy. He has said he'd love to do Eurovision again but I doubt this song would set Europe on fire. But one of his better entries ever. Huge applause.
Portable paparazzo! LOL
22.05 Francesca Michielin - Nessun grado di separazione
The Italian fans favorite for Eurovision. She's looking her age in a fresh clean innocent way, and apparently has charmed Italians in general. A new Gigliola Cinquetti '64 in the making? It has takenme some time to warm up to this song, but she's singing very well tonight and for Eurovision? Maybe. Why not. It's kinda catchy pop ballad.

22.11 Elio e Le Storie Tese - Vincere l'odio
I fail to find humor or amusement in this medley of refrains. One time was enough. As an interval act.
22.17 Patty Pravo - Cieli immensi
This might be the best melody this year. It flows in a lovely way and she does a good job - botox permitting - and it all comes together in a wonderful way. I'd love her to make the top-3 and even win. And the idea of her in Eurovision is at the same time exciting, amusing and thrilling. I live in hope.... (and I have never been fan of hers...)
22.29 Humour time with Enrico Brignano
22.43 Alessio Bernabei - Noi siamo infinito
The song never gets going for real and his vocals are as weak as ever. Add the plagiation accusations and the mess is here. This is no Nek last year. But he has a huge fanbase so he should get out of the red zone easily tonight. Maybe. Eurovision? No way. And he accused Tiziano Ferro owing his career on plagiations. Lol.
22.49 Neffa - Sogni e nostalgia
Another song that goes nowhere. Not sure if he will get out of the Red zone. 
22.55 Time for the Newcomers results...
Premio Lucio Dalla for Chiara Dello Giacovo
Premio Mia Martini for Francesco Gabbani

4th Mahmood
3rd Ermal Meta
2nd Chiara Dello Iacovo
winner Francesco Gabbani!

23.04 Valerio Scanu - Finalmente piove
He will be also dangerous in the end thanks to his popularity and fan base. The song gets better with further listenings, I must admit. Also one to consider for Eurovision but I'd rather not. And I don't even know why. 
23.11 Dear Jack - Mezzo respiro
Better sung this time, almost. Rather boring and repetitive but their fanbase could help them out of the Red zone. Unless they don't like the new lead singer. Who knows?

23.20 News: Zoe has won in Austria! Great! My number one so far! By far.
23.23 Enter Elisa. 
With one of the best Sanremo winners ever, Luce. And then a medley of her other hits in Italian. Luce was her very first song in Italian. Since then she has been singing both English and Italian. Now she's back with No hero

23.41 Noemi - La borsa di una donna
White trousers and jacket for Noemi tonight. Even she's better tonight that the first night. That stage must put real fear on artists. Why am I thinking Mia Martini when listening to this? This one needs further listenings. She's good. But this song for Eurovision? No. But she's going to get out of the Red zone for sure.
23.52 Enter J. Balvin
And with J Balvin this blogger gives up. It's almost 1pm in Finland and I have wake up at 6.30. I'll catch up tomorrow..... Buona notte!

Stadio - Un giorno mi dirai
I still remain a bit indifferent to this one. Not bad but not my cup of tea.
Arisa - Guardando il cielo
She's better dressed tonight. I'm liking her song more each time I hear it, her vocals and that piano are wonderful. Beautiful. But it's nothing new, this is a Arisa song like any other I suppose. 
Lorenzo Fragola - Infinite volte
Lorenzo joins the #SanremoArcobalen with his very visible and shiny pocket scarf. :-) He's performing better than the previous night. And emerges again as one of the big favorites.
Bluvertigo - Semplicemente
Vocally maybe a bit stronger but still not going anywhere. Nice arrangement but that's all. 
Dolcenera - Ora o mai piú (Le cose cambiano)
Less dramatic in long black dress but much more emotional performance, excellent vocals. This is now officially my favorite this year. You make me feel like a natural woman..... oops!
Clementino - Quando sono lontano
Well, I have to admit there's something likable in this. I know maybe I shouldn't but ... what the heck. 
The Ones finishing in the bottom-5 and thus facing the televoter's repechage are:
Zero Assoluto
irene Fornaciari
Dear Jack
Fair enough. Propably the teenagers will vote Dear Jack in. Or they have abondoned the band and went for Alessio instead.....

Check out all the videos of Sanremo performances here


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