It seems the rock entries ended in the Andra chansen aka Second chance, with a very few exceptions. The only one I really want to the final is Helena Paparizou, I have kinda learned to like it, and it is catchy. But the other one? I'm between three: Linus, JEM and Outtrigger. I'd like to like Linus a bit more but something isn't yet right, J.E.M are fun if nothing original, and Outrigger for the fun of it. So let's say Helena and Outtrigger for me! Recap.
Ammotrack - Raise your hands
Linus Svenning - Bröder
J.E.M - Lovetrigger
State of Drama - All we are
Ellinore Holmer - En himmelsk sång
Martin Stenmarck - När änglarna går hem
Helena Paparizou - Survivor
Outtrigger - Echo