One of the Buranovskie Babushkis, aka The Sporty Babushki Galina Koneva (75) will be one of the chosen ones to carry on the Olympic torch in preparations for the Sochi Olympics. She tells she was contacted earlier this year for her measurements as she will not be wearing her usual granny dress but a specially made dress for the special occasion. The other Buranovskie Babushkis will have their dresses made as well, but they haven't yet been told why as only Galina, the sporty one, will be carrying the torch.
In her youth Galina took part in national skiing competitions and did also a lot of athletics so it's worth calling her The Sporty Babushki. She still runs around on skis.
The torchbearers for Sochi Olympics will feature a lot of famous sportmen and otherwise well known people. The games will take place in February 2014 - unless the new Russian antigay laws create enough international boycott to cancel them...