Ireland is not sending Jedward off again but RTÉ had decided to repeats the experience that gave us Jedward. With Jedward. Or in other words there will be once again five mentors who will find a song and a singer or an act to perform it and those five this time around are Julian Benson, a show business agent and choreographer, Greg French, a music producer and songwriter, Bill Hughes, television professional and ex-Pop Stars and You're a star judge, Edele Lynch, singer and songwriter and last but not least Linda Martin, Eurovision winner. Jedward is listed as one of the entries but who will get them? And who wants to compete against them? And how will Europe react to another dose of Irish ADHD?
Other rumoured acts to take part ae Mary Byrne, Chrystal Swing and b*wiched.
Other rumoured acts to take part ae Mary Byrne, Chrystal Swing and b*wiched.