Kuunkuiskaajat are back at it. Tomorrow night they will take the stage again in Helsinki and their have already 20 gig booked for next month. On top of this they are the art directors and organizers for Himos Folk Festival on July 22-24, 2010. They will of course also perform there along with top names of the etno, world music and folk artists and groups from Finland and abroad. More about that here.
In an interview with Iltalehti today they also say they enjoy being busy. They also comment their success or lack of it in Oslo 2010: "We cried for 30 second when we found out we didn't make it to the final but that's it. After that we were happy again. We didn't feel like we have lost! We got so many new fans and friends! We also tried to think it's not a competition, how can you compete with music?" One thing they have though that makes them think a bit: "We think all countries should be able to vote in the semifinals, too. Otherwise it's only like a half-Eurovision!"
On a personal note I would say it was enough Sweden and Finland were in the same semifinal and both countries would have qualified for the final as both would have given surely top marks to each other. People here always talk about the ex-Sovjet and ex-Yogo countries voting each other but how about Nordic countries? It's a fact, not a theory.