I just realized it's been already 5 years since Alice has released something, and actually ten years since her latest album with new material! It's about the time I would say.... Her old record label EMI Italy however has not been quiet with her: a quick count gives 7 compilation albums released in the past 5 years (and I think there are a couple I am missing here. If someone has details please let me know!) so she must be still selling, right?
1975 La mia poca grande etá 1978 Cosa resta... un fiore 1979 Mi chiamo Alice* 1980 Caponord 1981 Alice (alternative releases in Japan and in Germany) 1982 Azimut 1983 Falsi allarmi (re-released in the Netherlands in 1984 with I treni di Tozeur) 1984 Alice* 1985 Gioielli rubati (covers of Battiato songs) 1986 Park Hotel 1987 Elisir (new versions of her old songs) 1988 Melodie passagère 1989 Il sole nella pioggia 1992 Mezzogiorno sulle Alpi 1995 Charade 1995 Viaggiatrice solitaria* 1998 Exit 1999 God is my DJ 2000 Personal jukebox (new versions of her old songs) 2003 Viaggio in Italia (covers of great Italian classics) 2003 Il vento caldo dell'estate* 2003 Alice canta Battiato* 2004 Made in Italy* 2006 Collezione Italiana* 2007 I grandi successi* 2007 Solo grandi successi* 2007 The best of platinum* (*compilation album)